Tbeam with SX1262

There is an open issue for the SX1262 around showing a low SNR. It is also shown in range testing that something isn’t quite being configured properly and range therefore severely suffers. I do have it hooked up and communicating though. This is what I have in configuration.h but you could define nearly any pin (there are some limitations).

#define SX1262_CS 5
#define SX1262_DIO1 14
#define SX1262_RESET 13
#define SX1262_BUSY 33
#define SX1262_RXEN 12
//#define SX1262_TXEN
#define SX1262_E22

Standard SPI definitions are:

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoRa SPI
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define SCK_GPIO 5
#define MISO_GPIO 19
#define MOSI_GPIO 27
#define NSS_GPIO 18

I use DIO2 to control the TX_en pin of the E22 module which is assumed by the code if you don’t define a control GPIO with:

#define SX1262_TXEN xx