Stm32wl55 mesh lora

If you really want to test it with firmware that gracefully ignores the filesystem, you could try the code from this PR: Wio-E5 WIP by GUVWAF · Pull Request #2215 · meshtastic/firmware · GitHub. With that PR I could use the CLI to send messages and receive it with other nodes, and it could receive messages from others as well.

But you’ll have to hard-code your region here and all other settings you want to apply.

do you mean

Yes, that one. Be sure to set your correct region first.

done git now!
Modifyng to work with my STM32WL55

Make sure to first do git checkout LoRa-e5 such that you’re on the right branch.

maybe this is the problem that the firmware not runs…

right ?
Now compile with VSC, right ?

Yes, after you modified it to make it work with your board.

tryng to find why not compiles

git clone and git checkout LoRa-e5
it´s NOT compiles…said that is a error on Platformio.ini and ask to correct it

original meshtastic firmware compiles

Do you get an error like Error: Invalid environment name 'tlora-v2-1-1.6'. The name can contain alphanumeric, underscore, and hyphen characters (a-z, 0-9, -, _)?

That’s probably because an older version of the PlatformIO core was used to build this. You could downgrade PlatformIO to a version <3.0.0 in VSCode → Extensions → PlatformIO → Settings → Install another version.

good morning
I have the updated version…
got this error…

something wrong on ini

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File

;default_envs = tbeam
;default_envs = pico
;default_envs = tbeam-s3-core
;default_envs = tbeam0.7
;default_envs = heltec-v1
;default_envs = heltec-v2.0
;default_envs = heltec-v2.1
;default_envs = tlora-v1
;default_envs = tlora_v1_3
;default_envs = tlora-v2
;default_envs = tlora-v2-1-1.6
;default_envs = lora-relay-v1 # nrf board
;default_envs = t-echo
;default_envs = nrf52840dk-geeksville
;default_envs = native # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
;default_envs = nano-g1
;default_envs = pca10059_diy_eink
;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1
;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1.1
;default_envs = meshtastic-dr-dev
;default_envs = m5stack-coreink
;default_envs = rak4631
default_envs = wio-e5

extra_configs =

extra_scripts = bin/ 

; note: we add src to our include search path so that lmic_project_config can override
; note: TINYGPS_OPTION_NO_CUSTOM_FIELDS is VERY important.  We don't use custom fields and somewhere in that pile
; of code is a heap corruption bug!
; FIXME: fix lib/BluetoothOTA dependency back on src/ so we can remove -Isrc
; The Radiolib stuff will speed up building considerably. Exclud all the stuff we dont need.
build_flags = -Wno-missing-field-initializers
  -Isrc -Isrc/mesh -Isrc/gps -Isrc/buzz -Wl,-Map,.pio/build/ 

monitor_speed = 115200

lib_deps = ; ESP8266_SSD1306 
  mathertel/OneButton@^2.0.3 ; OneButton library for non-blocking button debounce

; Used for the code analysis in PIO Home / Inspect
check_tool = cppcheck
check_skip_packages = yes
check_flags =

; Common settings for conventional (non Portduino) Arduino targets
framework = arduino
lib_deps =

build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -Os -DRADIOLIB_SPI_PARANOID=0
build_src_filter = ${env.build_src_filter} -<platform/portduino/>

; Common libs for communicating over TCP/IP networks such as MQTT 
lib_deps =

; Common libs for environmental measurements in telemetry module 
; (not included in native / portduino)
lib_deps =
  adafruit/Adafruit BusIO@^1.11.4
  adafruit/Adafruit Unified Sensor@^1.1.4
  adafruit/Adafruit BMP280 Library@^2.6.6
  adafruit/Adafruit BME280 Library@^2.2.2
  adafruit/Adafruit BME680 Library@^2.0.1
  adafruit/Adafruit MCP9808 Library@^2.0.0
  adafruit/Adafruit INA260 Library@^1.5.0
  adafruit/Adafruit INA219@^1.2.0
  adafruit/Adafruit SHTC3 Library@^1.0.0
  adafruit/Adafruit LPS2X@^2.0.4
  adafruit/Adafruit SHT31 Library@^2.2.0

You’re using version 3.2.0 of PlatformIO, but the firmware I linked was build using version <3.0.0.

hummm, now i understood!!!
I will backward the version…
this moment i was starting the tests on VIRTUAL BOX

wich version did you use ?

I think it was 3.0.0.

ok, removing the special characters on project

and thanks for all your help…maybe my Windows has a big problem…

same problem on VM LINUX

i used 10 differents versions of VSC <= 3.0.0

Oh it looks like one of the env names wasn’t updated to the new allowed format. The env names can’t have “.” in them anymore and were changed to “_”. “tbeam0.7” should be “tbeam0_7” but looks like it wasn’t updated.