Network configuration with Serial Plug-In

Hi mc-hamster and development team,

As we are migrating from xbee to LoRa ad-hoc network for our product, I found the meshtastic a great project and resource. Familiarized with STM32 with C takes me a very huge time(I can say months) for understanding a matured C++ project on ESP32 environment and to port it. So did this post for asking help from contributors itself.

The point is while trying to do the port I came across PhoneAPI.cpp and SerailPlugin.cpp, The phoneAPI configures and forwards the data to, the RF layer with the stream from the phone, and the SerialPlughin simply forwards data from the serial port to the RF layer as I understood. What I require is the core mesh and it has to be configured via SerailPlugin without PhoneAPI so it will be completely stand-alone for our application. It came to my knowledge that SerialPlugin is the contribution of mc-hamster so will this post be appropriate to him or else to someone who can.
Other than this can anyone help me with a detailed split of bytes from phone stream and back to it.

The Architecture will be like

STM32+UART <-------> (UART+ESP32_WROOM_32UE+SPI) <--------> E22900M30S (SX1262)

I did a successful interface between two LoRa(E22900M30S) devices using STM32 and running on some sites now. I experimented with the meshtastic using the HELTEC-LoRa board and was impressed with the results.

Thank you.

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