Realistic number of radios per channel

Assuming that the radios are mostly idle and only occasionally exchanging user messages what is the realistic high water mark for radio count of Long/Slow, Long/Fast, Medium/Slow, and Medium/Fast?

I assume we’re going to have 12-14 radios online in the Salt Lake valley soon, long/slow is struggling with the 8’ish we’re seeing lately. Thanks for the help!

It also depends on how much other radios each individual radio can hear as, so it is generally hard to say. So my suggestion is either to just try, or if you really want to dive into it, you could have a look at a simulator for Meshtastic 1.3: GitHub - GUVWAF/Meshtasticator: Discrete-event simulator for Meshtastic.

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Use long/slow only if you absolutely need to. The new default in 1.3 is long/fast. You shouldn’t notice the difference in range but it performs much better!

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This is absolutely true. Especially seems like the compression has helped a bit too.

I only have so many devices to test with but I have been finding that any more than a dozen devices within range of each other starts to effect the user experience and if my testing with long slow translates here I would expect maybe 20 as a practical limit for nodes within range of each other in1.3 defaults. When many nodes are close in range I notice a significant increase in firmware instability as well, with lockouts and nodes dropping off often.

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