How many mesh networks can a shopping plaza support

Hey everyone,

I’m curious about the scalability of Meshtastic networks, particularly in a crowded environment like a shopping plaza. From what I’ve gathered, a mesh network can typically hold around 80 nodes, and I’m planning to operate on the 915MHz frequency.

Given these parameters, I’m wondering how many mesh networks could feasibly operate within a single shopping plaza, considering the 80-node limit per mesh. Are there any practical considerations or limitations I should be aware of when deploying multiple networks in such an environment?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Update: Reviewing the discord reports are saying network congestion

i you are in US 915 area
have a look at this:

under Channel Frequency Calculator
you can see, that you have several hundred different radio frequencies you can use :slight_smile:

so you can build many seperate meshtastic networks without disturbing each other.

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That’s awesome news thank you for pointing this out.

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Now how do you make people aware of what frequencies being what
‘channel 1’ is for A
Channel 2 for B
etc etc.

the frequency and modem settings are included in the channel-Id
so all that information is in the Channel link, or the Channels QR code

just the person setting all this up,
must create the different channels, and check to set different frequencies.
then there is the channel link/or QR that can be used to join a channel.

users dont even have to know that its different frequencies. they just have “channels”

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