Just ordered some hardware.
These will be delivered first: https://amzn.to/32iKR4v
And some time next month: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001178678568.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.69f44c4dj22RjG
I live on a hill outside Bend, OR USA.
Here is an estimated line of sight map: https://www.heywhatsthat.com/?view=QHWTQG8R
With that said, what would ya’ll like to see tested?
I’m open to getting a few antennas if they don’t cost too much. And at some point I would like to setup a repeater or two on the local mountains.
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good idea. Updates here based on your findings would be great: GitHub - meshtastic/firmware: Meshtastic device firmware
I’m really curious how the $11 maxon antennas listed here work out:
I’ve done 2 range tests so far; 11km and 13km. Both were clear line of sight, and both gave about 80% signal strength on the display.
Hardware T-Beam v1.1 865, standard antenna
Firmware v0.7.9 and v0.7.10
Channel setting: Very long range
I think 20km would not be a problem, with the standard setup, I will try in the next week or so.
Also this older thread might be useful:
I bought a couple of Nagoya Antenna 433Mhz SMA-M 2dBi which are about 17cm long quite flexible whip antenna, these have almost doubled the distance I can get ~ 2.2Miles/3.54km from skylight window in my house to a hilltop where i cycled. It’s not a direct line of sight, there are a few roofs in the way and some tree tops which are covered in leaves this time of year. This distance is more in line with my expectations from other peoples tests using basic antennas and legal power limits. I am gue…
August 15, 2020, 8:14am
I tested my tbeams running 0.9.1 with the as received antenna. My base unit was in my house (on a first floor so some height gain).
I easily picked up the signal 12km away (100% on the OLED) - the terrain was fairly flat with a few smalls hills (50 metres) and lots of trees.
I would need a 868Mhz antenna (for the UK) - is there one? Thanks.