Range test ideas requested

Just ordered some hardware.

These will be delivered first: https://amzn.to/32iKR4v
And some time next month: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001178678568.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.69f44c4dj22RjG

I live on a hill outside Bend, OR USA.

Here is an estimated line of sight map: https://www.heywhatsthat.com/?view=QHWTQG8R

With that said, what would ya’ll like to see tested?

I’m open to getting a few antennas if they don’t cost too much. And at some point I would like to setup a repeater or two on the local mountains.

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good idea. Updates here based on your findings would be great: GitHub - meshtastic/firmware: Meshtastic device firmware

I’m really curious how the $11 maxon antennas listed here work out:

Also this older thread might be useful:

I tested my tbeams running 0.9.1 with the as received antenna. My base unit was in my house (on a first floor so some height gain).
I easily picked up the signal 12km away (100% on the OLED) - the terrain was fairly flat with a few smalls hills (50 metres) and lots of trees.
I would need a 868Mhz antenna (for the UK) - is there one? Thanks.