RAK1910 GNSS working... or not?

Hi All,
I have a RAK19007 base board + RAK4631 Lora TRX + RAK1910 GNSS (mounted in Slot A).
FW is firmware-rak4631-2.1.15.cd78723.
To be honest, I don’t know what to think about the GNSS, maybe someone can help me out.
The thing is that most of the time I see a very low number of sats. The module is able to get a fix and the coordinates are precise but the display/serial output shows 0 sats most of the time (yes, outside, clear view of the sky). Rarely it shows 4, not more than that. The altitude reading is also off it’s 0 99% of the time. Once i was able to get an altitude reading = 99m at sea level with 0 sats (not “no sats”)

Here’s a serial output example:
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] hasValidLocation RISING EDGE
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] publishing pos@649dd48e:2, hasVal=1, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] New GPS pos@649dd48e:3 lat=54.xxxx, lon=18.xxxx, alt=0, pdop=140.98, track=0.00, speed=0.00, sats=0
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@649dd48e, time=1688065169, lat=54xxxx, lon=18xxxx, alt=0
INFO | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@649dd48e, time=1688065169, latI=54xxxx, lonI=18xxxx, alt=0
DEBUG | 18:59:29 38 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 2 total

Has anyone seen such behavior?