Using the serial monitor I see the device shuts down from a button long press however I am not pushing any buttons. It is hardwired to battery and constant power via USB. Here is a sample of what is being produced., I am using meshtastic firmware 2.3.4
??:??:?? 901 [Button] Shutdown from long press
INFO | ??:??:?? 904 [Button] Shutting down
INFO | ??:??:?? 904 [Button] Entering deep sleep forever
Do you have any module connected, e.g. GPS?
Yes. GPS and Bme 680
Make sure the GPS is in the correct slot: RAK WisBlock Supported Peripherals | Meshtastic
problem fixed by moving from slot c to a. Thank you for the suggestion. I wonder why slot C is ok per the directions but didnt work?
It depends on the base board, some pins might conflict with other functions like the button press.
Had the same problem with RAK4631 board with barometric pressure sensor shutting down at random moments with the “Shutdown from long press”. My solution is stupid but it works
meshtastic --set device.button_gpio 33
The 33
number was chosen at random.
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