Questions about mqtt in meshtastic

Hi, i need some help trying to understand the mqtt in meshtastic, first of all, I’m trying to create a lora mesh with the meshtastic firmware, so, right now, I have my own mesh with a couple of nodes, then I have a lora gateway that are connected via Wifi to send the test data to the meshtastic mqtt server, my question are:

  • How i can know if the topic msh/1/json/# is encrypted when i send data and the is decrypted?
  • Is there a way to edit or modify the jsons TEXT_MESSAGE_APP or POSITION_APP?
  • Can i change the mqtt meshtastic server with my own server and i get the same json message?
  • Right know the only way to test automatic data sending is via the test plugin, but, Is there a way to send data to another device? and how i can do that?
    Sorry, but i really wanna know if there a possibility to do that or no?
    I really hope for your responses :relaxed:

looking how MQTT data is stored at que server will probably give you a good idea of the data sent from the device, but you can always audit the code and run a wireshark capture to be certain.

not without changing code.

-- set mqtt_server IP

what test plugin?

sorry, i mean, range test plugin, and thanks for the mqtt settings info

not sure I understand. what are you trying to do?

I have 2 tbeam, 1 heltec v2, and 1 ttgo, right now I have a lora mesh with the 1 heltec, 1 ttgo and 1 tbeam, all of them are my nodes, then 1 tbeam is the gateway, ok, so, in one of the nodes i have enable the range test plugin, with that I can send automatic data, like seq 1, seq 2, etc…, and that data is sended to all the nodes + the gateway, the thing is, that i wanna know is there a way to send data from another mqtt server like mosquitto and receive the same json that i get in meshtastic mqtt server, if is yes, where i can find the code to modify that json? and is there a way to publish a message and see that message in my tbeam nodes?

Hi @AndreK I’m newbie and started learning about meshtastic firmware how to send mqtt username, password and subscribed to particular topic to node if it’s external broker and if possible could you please share any resource to learn more about channels and settings other than meshtastic website

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