Good evening together !
I am new here and I am trying to find my way through all this …
I have 3 tbeam 1.1 devices and three android phones. All tbeam are running with 0.9.1 and all the phones had the same version… until today … All was fine running and now two of three phone made the app update to 0.9.3…
Since this moment I am not able to choose the channel name on a proper way… I can edit the channel name , example test 1, I am getting the question “do you want change the channel” and after this the app is changing the channel name as it likes… So from test 1 the app is making on one phone #test 1I-U and on the second phone #teat I -k … I have no chance to change the channel name on a way that all three devices have the same channel name. Even scanning the qr code is not helping.
Has someone an idea how to solve this or how to go back to app version 0.9.1 ???
Thank for any help
I think what you are finding is what that new suffix was meant to reveal to the user:
When you change to a new channel (i.e. selecting a name and channel parameters) the only way to share that channel with other devices/phones is via the sharable URL/QR code. Because the each channel has a secure encryption key - just typing the same channel name on two devices/phones has never really worked (because the two devices would not have the same crypto key). You need to share that URL, if you had just typed in the same channel name on two phones they wouldn’t have the same key.
In 0.9.3 I added a one letter suffix that is based on this crypto key - so that it was more visually apparent what is going on. Does that help?
After app update no longer part of the mesh.
Other phone still running app version 9.03 shares mesh/channel
Sharing the URL for joining the mesh results in 404 file not found.
“The site does not contain the requested file”
– Resolved – My Nexus 7 kept trying to open the URL in Chrome, after opening in the App rejoined the mesh/channel
this seems to be blocking my devices from communicating. I manually enter to each device the channel name while ble connected (using the same ble phone), the extra digit changes automatically (sometimes L,K,G,Q,R…etc) … and no messages are de-encrpted between the devices
You shall set up the nodes either by sharing (and opening) the generated URL, or by scanning the QR code.
You can’t get the nodes messaging to each other by manually entering the channel, as, described by @geeksville, there is no way to enter a channel manually. This is due to the way how the PSK is generated and shared.