Pinout RAK19001 to USB A

Hey all,

I just need some minor assistance. I have a RAK RAK19011 WisBlock Dual IO Base Board with Power Slot being used for a remote node. It is piggy backed off a GMRS repeaters solar power supply.

This board has no built in USB C port. I want to be able to hike up, open the cabinet and update firmware via drag and drop. Using BLE and OTA firmware updates can sometimes fail and I don’t want to deal with that in a remote location.

Can someone just confirm the pinout so I can add a USB tail to the board? I assume it would connect into the UART pins? Sorry for the basic question. I am self taught on all of this.

Or are the USB Data + and USB Data - supposed to go with the USB pins in this image? Oddly enough the image shows not + and - for each pin but on the board it does.

So does this appear correct?