(old thread) Meshtastic iOS app - first alpha release

Also wondering if there there still is development on this or is everyone using iOS with the wifi web interface?

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I havenā€™t heard anything back! :frowning: If this becomes an option again I would love to check it out and give it a spin.

Iā€™m keen to give it a try and test - any more beta spots left?

TestFlight pulled back my test app shortly after I tried the app is there another link I could use?

Same for me on my iPad. I didnā€™t realize TestFlight actually removed the appā€¦ Oh well. Iā€™m really looking forward to it getting up and running as an iPad is the perfect base station device even though I run entirely androids for all my other devices.


Also looking to help test! Canā€™t access the app.

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My Meshtastic beta app has now expired and with nothing in Testflight or in the app store I was wondering if it can be restored somehow? It was working fine for me with 1.1.50. Thanks!

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Another user here wondering what the plan is? Lot of radio silenceā€¦ two versions on github no official line. I appreciate patience is required but Iā€™ve had two devices that I canā€™t use as we all use iPhones. I had the TestFlight app version but that is stuck behind old meshtastic versions and is now automatically uninstalled.

An update would be appreciated.


The author is in Germany and much of Europe is on holiday at the end of summer, so it may not be abandoned yet. I have been working on a SwiftUI app for a couple of months, but it is pretty focused on mapping not messaging currently and my progress has been pretty slow while the weather has been nice.


Hello. How I can connect to testing this app? I try this link TestFlight - Apple but get response about new testers not accepting now. Thank you.

Itā€™s currently still in development, with development basically stalled.

Just to say I am happy to help too with any use testing. I have quite a few T-Beams (and a T-Echo) that I could use - three of the T-Beams were running @thepoweroftwoā€™s very nice iOS app. I am planning to be hiking a lot now as I have some vacation time.

Were you able to get it installed on iOS using xcode or did you have to use Testflight?

I only ever used TestFlight to install. I never tried xcode.

I really think the ā€˜Web Appā€™ is the best way forward. Too many reasons to list in a quick comment.

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Cross platform web apps sound great but really struggle with bluetooth in my experience. I have a SwiftUI iOS app in test flight and have completed maps, node details and the bluetooth connection part.

Messaging for the all channel is next and then everything else is V2

iOS 15 is required


@garth can I join your testflight?

Would love to test this as well!

Send me a message with first last and email and I will sign you both up

@garth Can I test the iphone app? I am very eager to test it