Meshtastic app for older iPhones?

I’d like to repurpose an iPhone 7 to use for a Heltec V3 but it will only support iOS 15.8. Is there anything a guy can do? Older app version or other apps? Meshtastic app requires iOS 16

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Same issue here, I have an iphone 5,6,and 7 laying around, but cant use the app at all. Anything we can do? Apple wont let us upgrade to iOS16, it stops at iOS15 for the older devices

Yeah no chance of supporting those devices.

That’s interesting. Google Play store says Android 5 as minimum for the Android side which goes way back to what 2013?
Granted, most any Android from that long ago is probably not even functional.

That’s what I figured so I’ve started investing in cheap Moto G android phones with no cell plan. About $40 each. Work perfectly as an interface.

HUGE difference in features available between the IOS / Android app,
looks like it is two teams that dont talk together, dont share ideas or features,
that design the two versions sadly,.,