No Gps - flashing red

I just pushed another update, there was an additional bugfix from 1.3 that was not backported to 1.2. Latest version including that fix is 33fac6d

— EDIT — This directly addresses the problem that the GPS was detected as not communicating when in fact it was.

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Thanks, seems to work. I tried to reproduce the problem by disconnecting GPS-antenna so that it does not get a fix (within 60 secs) but still is able to sync the time from RTC. Tried several times and it did not decide for factory reset

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New 1.2 version out including those fixes… Release Mestastic Device alpha · meshtastic/Meshtastic-device · GitHub

I tried both versions PR1458-Firmware-12.64.a9fcc77 and Now the GPS signal is immediately received but the red LED continues to flash, is it normal?
With both versions it has occurred that sending the messages always failed while I was able to receive them. After turning off and on several times the device has started working again. If it happened only to me maybe it’s just a coincidence.
Thank you all for the work you are doing.

Right now the GPS stays on so red LED continues to flash. AFAIR, next step might be to bring back the powering on/off GPS like it was in earlier fw-versions.
See T-Beam v1.1 GPS always powered on in 1.2.64 - #16 by kfh857

1.2.65 made my Tbeams say ‘No sats’ and ‘No GPS Lock’ instead of ‘No GPS’ and ‘No GPS Module’ on 1.2.64.

I’m yet to actually get a GPS fix, but hopefully that’s next.

Thank you!

One of my Tbeams got a fix, with 5 satellites, overnight. The other one (in the same location) got nothing. It says ‘No Sats’.

They’re both on 1.2.65.

UPDATE: They now both have a location. But the altitude is a bit off… One says 42949620m and the other 42949648m.

Not sure if this is the same issue, but I updated the one T-Beam I have been intermittently playing with to 1.2.64.fc48fcd via the android app when I was testing something on my phone. I noticed I wasn’t getting a GPS fix on the screen, hit the button and saw it now says “No GPS module”

I thought maybe I had damaged something, so I grabbed an unused one from the box (1.0.0), connected to the app, updated the firmware and get the same message.

I’m getting a time pulse flash on the GPS module, so I assume it hasn’t done anything to the module and that it’s related to this.

That is a known issue with 1.2.64. If you install 1.2.65 your GPS will work again.

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1.2.65 from Meshtastic Flasher, fixed all GPS issues on T-Beam 1.1’s here - did three last night. Thanks team.

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