New Solar repeater node setup

A new router node has been set up since 19/07/24 ( SW-2 ) in Ireland, it’s getting out well at the moment and even managed to pull in a couple stations from Wales on the first night.Hopefully this will help get a few more local stations on the Mesh.

All-in-one solution for a Meshtastic solar node on one bracket, conveniently housing the Antenna and solar panel all of one unit, and also has the coax cable routed inside the bracket so no visible cables to be seen thus aiding in sealing the unit from the elements.
The complete unit is coated in epoxy resin inside and out to ensure it is completely weatherproof


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Wonderful project. Hope the Welsh appreciate it ! Do you have a location to share? I would try from Dinas Head in Pembs when I am there. What is the name of the node. All the best.

Hi the name of the router is SW-2 … yeah i reckon from high you might be able to get it but i think that first night there was some lift conditions happening … happy Meshing :sunglasses:

I’ve got 2 x 18650 batteries on a 5V-5W solar panel myself, and I’ve never gotten them fuller than 92-93%. Do you manage to get those 4 x 18650 batteries completely full?

Hi yes no issues with charging
