That is the GPS antenna! Not 100% sure how they’re attached, but I don’t see why soldering it back to the same spot wouldn’t work? I’d imagine it’s also glued onto the battery holder?
Without pulling on it too hard, here’s a picture of mine!
I noticed the one your shared but ordered the one i shared from amazon since it looked the most similar (I wasn’t sure if anything else would work right). I should get the replacement tomorrow and will report if it works.
And to your other question, the device GPS is important, and that is what is used to communicate position across the mesh. The firmware expects the TTGO device to have a GPS, so I dont think it will use the phone.
The GPS antenna needs to be exposed to get a good signal. The GPS chip is pretty good, and really only limited by the signal and antenna quality.
The Lilygo TTGO ESP32 lora doesn’t have GPS, but Meshtastic still shows the location…I am assuming it’s utilizing the phone’s gps. Can you explain how that works with the TTGO model?