Meshtastic Python API - v1.2.43

Hi There!

New Meshtastic Python API has been released. Changes:

  • Lots of updated protobufs
  • Fix --set-owner; comment out --settime @mkinney
  • Fix set and unset router deprecated commands @mkinney
  • Fixed order of have_tunnel check #113 @rtx1077
  • reserved word fix in #116 @rtx1077
  • Fixed order of have_tunnel check @Ryan Tolboom
  • Add channelIndex parameter to sendtexgtr @jdstroy
  • Wait indefinitely for packets when --tunnel is specified @jdstroy

Install / Upgrade:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade meshtastic

this release includes the setting is_always_powered to prevent most devices entering sleep mode (thanks @thebentern and all devs involved!).

the idea is to move towards a more simple way to enable or disable sleep on end user devices, and will also be later added into other clients and apps.

example command to enable:

meshtastic --set is_always_powered true

note: anyone using is_router to prevent sleep, please disable that before using is_always_powered just so we can better compare results. feedback is appreciated!


is_always_powered is working very well on my tbeams and rak4631. It also really helps to get my techo to work too. On the techo I now have a good gps and radio!! Thanks a lot.