Meshtastic iOS iPhone and iPad App Beta Testing Available

Excellent and thanks, but where do I find the version 1.3 alpha build to be released on June the 5th ?

I updated that text, it will be early this week in sync with a new device firmware and the android app.

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Thanks for the great news. I look forward to test both the iOS as well as the Android App with the new BT module. The current one can be quite a hassle to connect.

Hello Garth (@Garth)

I have today downloaded and installed the Meshtastic App version 1.3.1 (17) for iOS, and tested it on an Apple iPhone Xr, with iOS 15.5. The phone subscription includes Internet access, so maps, updates etc., should all work correctly.

My initial test focus was targeted towards the Bluetooth connection, which now appears to be more responsive when searching for devices, but connecting is still a hassle sadly. I didnā€™t manage to get a single stable connection, and I tried with different devices.

The Mesh Activity Log shows that it initiates the BT connection, but reports ā€œBLE Failed to Connectā€ less than a second later, followed by additional unsuccessful attempts, every about 2 seconds, leading up to the final error message ā€œBLE Connection Timeout after making 5 attemptsā€¦ā€

The LoRaWAN device didnā€™t show a PIN at any time.

How can I assist further in testing this feature?

All the 1.3 feedback is being gathered here

I mostly work of the bug reports from test flight because I get stack trace data on what actually happened there, there is so much background activity with meshtastic that the thing you are doing is infrequently the reason for the crash / bug.

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short question, in the ios app, where is to set wifi and up-down link?

No wifi settings are available in the app, it would disconnect you from the app

ah, ok. iā€™was try, but what iā€™dont understand, later install. the serial dont work, iā€™cant set something over serial-usb connection ā€¦ there are some menu for enable serial, but iā€™dont get it work.

The web ui has not been updated for 1.3 anyways, a limited number of commands are working in the python CLI right now.

That is for the serial module, which is on the device not the phone. Serial is not available on iOS

of 'course at the tbeam, iā€™use my linux laptop for install etc. install work fine, but later install is there no way to get a connection over usb to the device. iā€™dont speak about the phone. for example, if iā€™m using the latest alpha, later install iā€™can set without problems the device over linux console ā€¦ but iā€™m using the version, what the app tell me what is the correct version. tomorrow, iā€™hope the postman bring me a heltec device, iā€™will try this, there a the same results or not ā€¦

so, heletc iā€™was try today also, the same result ā€¦ hm ā€¦ with the latest alpha works fine, only the ios app give warning and want the old alpha. but ok there is the web interface.
for the 1.3 version to try iā€™wait the 2.0 Mashtastic Version.

There is no 1.3 web interface yet

i know, thats why i focus on finding hidden exposed locations for solar powered repeater nodes and staying there. to cover as large an area as possible. and the info that we might get some repeaters in space. I was so pleased where I read this info here in the forum. i just love it and itā€™s a lot of fun with the small devices.

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I got a similar idea with the solar powered hidden locations, in order to cover a larger area. I will either do it with a private key (encrypted communication), OR if using the public encryption key, change the location of each device to make it slightly away from their real position.

The point is that the GPS location could be used by someone to find my devices and to remove them. Setting their position say 100 meters of in any direction, will have them searching in the wrong place.
Obviously a secret private encryption key is the better choice.

for example, iā€™set a gps position around 10Km away from the real position, in this area to search some node is impossible ā€¦ iā€™think 1km will be also ok ā€¦ but 100m area around, iā€™think it will be to easy to found ā€¦

Yes, you might be right, 100 meters is too close, however if you anyway choose 10 Km away, then the distance display will be all wrong, and it might then be better to disconnect or disable the GPS, as the data are anyway junk and you would also reduce the power requirements that way.

I tested the latest version 1.3.40 with my 5x T-echos. My phone could only pair with 2 of them. The others showed BLE timeout after 10 attempts. I suspect this is due to problems with Bluetooth handshakings. 1.3.39 seemed to work well.

Forget all your devices under settings > Bluetooth