Looking for meshtastic developers to support my design

Dear all:
I´m trying to develop an protection system for people living in rural zones and separated each other some hundred meters or kilometers in some cases.
The main objective of this design is that each people inside the home have a button (BLE) and press it when require some assistance from neighbors.
The design is based on a MeshTastic + TTGO-Lilygo TBeam + Solar Panel + Button (BLE) + Mobile (IOS/Android) installed in each home.
The Mobile devices are used to send messages to mesh network were possible.
I´m not a programing expert then need support from a people expert in programming the mentioned devices. I can pay for this job and also supply the devices for developing of testing.
If any interested in to work in this project please answer this msg.

It doesn’t sound like a hard job, This can achieved a number of ways, either with the work being done on the rotary encoder plugin, or with an external microcontroller that sends a message over the radio when a button is pressed. All depends on what you want the final product to look like.