Thanks alot!
I tried your code but got error that serial2 was not defined.
So i tried this one, looks to do the same? (its on a arduino pro micro)
(from your blog i think?)
//Reads characters from a GPS using Software Serial and echoes them to the Arduino Serial Monitor at 115200 baud.
//Important Note
//Make sure the #defines below for the GPS TX and GPS RX pin numbers below match what you have connected and that the GPS
//baud rate used by the GPS is correct, its often 9600 baud but not always.
#define GPSTX 15 //pin number for GPS TX output - data from Arduino into GPS
#define GPSRX 14 //pin number for GPS RX input - to Arduino from GPS
#define GPSBaud 9600 //GPS Baud rate
#define Serial_Monitor_Baud 115200 //this is baud rate used for the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial GPSserial(GPSRX, GPSTX);
void loop()
while (GPSserial.available() > 0)
void setup()
Serial.begin(Serial_Monitor_Baud); //start Serial console ouput
GPSserial.begin(GPSBaud);//start softserial for GPS at defined baud rate
Now it prints this, repeating:
looks like im out of luck?