Heltec Board Deep Sleeping

Is there a way to prevent a Heltec board from sleeping while being powered via usb? In my tests with the heltec board I’m finding that the board goes into deep sleep and has to be woken up by pressing the user button in order for the python API or the meshtastic executable to work. I’ve tried the Bluetooth setting example on the python API GitHub but I don’t think this addresses the usb connectivity issue when the heltec device goes to sleep.

In my use case I’ve setup a raspberry Pi that powers the Heltec board and have manually set the GPS fixed location and setup the is_router mode. Idea is that I’d like to be able to use the Python API running on the raspberry Pi to trigger some scripts that will send messages to the mesh via the heltec connected node. The Pi and the connected heltec node will always be plugged in and not powered by battery so I’m trying to see if there is a way to have the heltec always on and active so that I can interact with it via the python API in a remote fashion.

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What version of the firmware do you have on your heltec and which heltec board do you have? Do you have an attached battery? I fixed a similar problem a few weeks ago.

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Hi @mc-hamster, I’ve a Heltec SX1276 v2 with attached Oled, no battery attached, using meshtastic version 1.1.23.

Like this one but in the North American legal frequency:

Try 1.1.30 or newer. I think 1.1.32 was just released. I fixed it for the v1 hardware which is almost the same as the v2 that you have.

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Ok will try today. Thanks so much.

@mc-hamster just tested using version 1.1.32 and I’m able to connect to the Heltec board now! Thanks so much for the fix.


Anytime mate. Cheers!


So, Today in the morning i‘was order all components for build my first repeater with this . waterproof box with DeLock 868 Antenna etc.

is there some things, what i’should not forget with this heltec board?

this repeater will be around 140m over seelevel

Btw - @SensorsIot (in one of his youtubes) compared RF performance of the heltecs with the ttgo Lora v2.

If my memory serves - the ttgo boards did much better. So if you can buy those possibly better (though possibly heltec improved their board)


@geeksville here’s one that @SensorsIot did that calls out the issues on the Heltec boards https://youtu.be/CJNq2I_PDHQ

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i‘was buy this antenna … for outdoor.