Hardware for an animal tracker / dog collar

this one is nrf52 and not Esp32 so consumes about 1/10 of energy in normal mode…

the minimalistiv firmware is already functional if you have the right device and set it to “tracker” role…
some esp32 devices, and most nrf devices do that… sendposition…deep-sleep… wakeup…sendP …deep sleep…

what is really bad: the heltec capsule designated tracker devices does not do this… but as i have read, the sensecap will do ! (waitong for the one i ordered to arrvie)

Ye, the nrf52 should definitely be good.

Could be wrong, but still think there could be other power draws that could be avoided. like blutooth/wifi, and rebroadcasts (only while awake with Tracker, but still using something). Maybe all these can be individually turned off, not sure.
… probably one of those things that could only be decided with testing.

The T1000-E, seems to available for preorder. The weird thing is can’t seem to select the region. Normally have to select 433 vs 868Mhz. Sometimes 915 is a seperate device. Or the antenna is ok for around 868/915/923Mhz, but 433 typically needs different antenna. Not sure if LR1110 is one chipset for all sets of frequenies.

the T1000-A does mention IN865/EU868/US915/AU915/AS923/ KR920/RU864
… but it seems that T1000-E is the one marketed for Meshtastic (with the dedicated GPS chipset).

version A uses Goodix GR5515 MCU unlike versions S and E - they use Nordic nRF52840 MCU instead.
T1000-A/B/C/D FCC report: FCC ID Z4T-T1000

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The MCU shouldnt matter for Lora Frequency? Would be the Lora Chipset, RF circuitry and what the antenna is tuned for.

Some interesting documents, on that FCC filing. Seems to confirm 860-928Mhz.
would assume they use the same Lora Chipset and antenna for the E version, but not clear

Edit: Found the filing for the Heltec Capsule Sensor FCC ID 2A2GJ-HRI-3641 dont see the RF radiation pattern plots that eh T1000 does :frowning: -would be interesting to compare!

There is no Meshtastic firmware for Goodix GR5515 MCU available at this time

Ah, wasn’t suggesting to use the T1000-A for meshtastic.

Just that they publish what Lora radio frequencies the T1000-A is good for.

But not for the T1000-E. Assume it ok for EU_868, but not sure. Seems will ok for all the bands around 900Mhz, but wont be for 433Mhz

Version 2.4.3:
“Heltec boards sensor and low power features update”

i have to update firmware :slight_smile: maybe the device will be “unbricked”

Seems it iw working !
i uploaded the 2.4.3 update.bin file from meshtastic firmware zip file by wireless connection
i coudl set gps refresh to 60 seconds and 600 seconds… i will set to 300 and
i will update about runtime.


Greetings good gentlemen. Technically speaking, is it possible to update and broadcast a gps location over the mesh once a second. I know there are considerations such as bandwidth and battery, but technically speaking is this possible - assume a best case scenario with unlimited power and assume that there is only the one node broadcasting to one other node with no other devices around for 100 miles - so therefore network congestion is optimized too.

Thanks in advance for letting me know the facts. I too am on a mission to make the ultimate dog tracker and this question is one of several considerations.

Greetings all!

As of October 11th 2024 - has anyone had some dog tracker successes they would like to share since they’ve last been here to post?

Anything in the latest releases that will help us on our mission here to use meshtastic’s fine infrastructure for tracking our hounds off grid?

Thanks in advance!

no success:
i ordered a capsule for my very small dog, that used to get lost a bit. specially in new areas…
the capsule was not working correctly, runtime just 1 h or so…
after some months, there is newer firmware that can send the capsule to sleep, so it can have runtime of 1-2 days.
but now my dog is too old and having health problems, so it cannot run further than 50m and does not get lost any more … so as it is functional now, my dog does not need it any more :slight_smile:

my self made bike trackers (rak 19003 base) for kids bikes, have done their job quite well though…

for smalles dogs, i would say, heltec capsule is working well, for mid sized dogs, i would strongly recommend the E-1000 sensecap… both system are very good trackers and functinal out of the box… the E1000 can have some days or weeks runtime in tracker mode !!! and it has an internal, but good antenna !"

if you want to build for yourself, the heltec traker v1.1 is also good, if you use tracker mode with sleep.

You’re the man Kilroy, thanks for the response! I’ve got a hound that needs to do some serious running so i’m going to keep at it. Will try to remember to post back here if/when I have some luck.

Have been mucking with esp32 v3, wireless tracker, meshtastic, capsule coming today (battery hack possibly), diy firmware, etc etc. I’m also working to build in some other functionality such as a long range beep, haptic feedback to get dogs attention when whistle doesn’t work, direction to dog, etc. All that as a standalone. These are the things I have done to various degrees. I’m not a coder so it has been a wonderful hell to crapshoot with the best AI’s out there to get it to code for me. I’m hot on a mission to find/build a bulletproof system for coding/configuring micro controllers with an ai. Current method is to feed it all docs using a closed system - but I digress. that’s another project. Thanks again :v:

sensecap tracker E1000 could do the job !
it has a functional, built in beeper, for giving beep-commands to the dog
it can produce some annoying beeps for incoming messages