Has anyone connected their board to a raspberry pi with GPIO pins ?
I’m building a raspberry pi 7" tablet and I want to add one of my heltec v3 boards directly to the GPIO pins of the pi and connect to it via the cli web server serial connection,
I thought this seemed to be the obvious thing to be able to do but I’m getting very mixed messages from research over the last few days,
Is it just a simple case if plugging in the tx/Rx pins and powering up the device ?
It seems the raspberry pi 4b has two UART lines available but I don’t fully understand this in detail alought it seems that the UART is actually primary and usb I’d secondary so it stands to reason this should be easy ? But it seems as if it’s more complex than that and I need some kind of UART to usb hub at the very least ? Either way I’m not finding any wiring diagram for this type of direct connection,
Surely this is no different to how things are done inside all our laptops and tablets and phones anyway to link all the internal bits to the motherboard?
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks all.