Correspondence of the firmware version of the relay to the hardware boards

Greetings to developers and users!

I am currently preparing equipment for testing the global network coverage in our village. I am studying materials on the topic of hardware. From the materials provided in the large table of supported hardware, I realized that there are several types and several subspecies of hardware on which the Meshtastic works. The manuals say that each node can act as a radiorelay. Also, I see that there are separate firmwares for relay-V1.

Please help me understand:

  1. Which relay firmware is suitable for which hardware board?
  2. How do special relay firmware differ from general user firmware?


PS: Having looked a little in the source codes, I found the version of the relay-V1 and the version of the relay-V2 at the address of the meshtastik-device/variants.
Can anyone comment on how these folders differ?

(Meshtastic-device/variants at master · meshtastic/Meshtastic-device · GitHub)

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“relay-V1” it is the name of a custom board.
All the meshtastic firmware have the ability to be set as relay for the mesh and all the hardware.

It’s for this board?
Nowhere is it written explicitly for what the Relay firmware is. Thank.

Read this:

sorry - it is only briefly documented in platformio.ini. It is a custom board by @Corvus

; The board by @BigCorvus
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And this should be v2


Thanks for the info. An interesting stand-alone private project.