Config + remote start webUI / Bluetooth in repeater nodes

Hello community,

I‘m planing to install several repeater nodes which are solar powered and once they are placed they will be very hard to reach pysically.

Therefore it would be mendatory to remote start the bluetooth connection and the wifi WebUI. Is something like that possible in general and maybe even planed for a future release?

All the best to you

How difficult to reach? Can you extend a pair of wires down to give you access to the buttons?

1.2 progress is going pretty well (first alpha this week probably) and one of the side effects of the cleanup is that settings/channel info will now be changeable remotely through the mesh (through a secure admin channel). So I think within a few weeks this feature should be solid and usable.


Sounds great. Did I understand correctly that all settings will be accessable remotely via mesh?


The node will be up in a tree for about 10m. So hanging down wires wouldn‘t be a solution.

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kevin’s changes will be the way to go.