Canned Messages not showing

Hello, my first time posting so any direction appreciated.

Firstly I have just started using meshtastic and loving it. Well done to everyone.

I might be doing something wrong here but also might be a defect.

TTGO Lora ESP32 T3 v2.1.6
IOS App.
Meshtastic API
Version: 2.0.20

When I am connected via bluethooth from the IOS app and go into Canned Messages, fill in all the details including adding in some “messages” with a | separating. I save and it restarts. The options are there on the TTGo however when i go back into the App all the other settings like Pins etc are there but the messages is blank.
It appears to save the messages but the app does not recall them and display them so you have to keep adding them each time.

The other issue is with the meshtastic API phython, if I save the messages in the IOS app and then use the API to export the YAML: meshtastic --export-config > C:\MeshtasticFolder\examplecanned.yaml
The file is produced and most of the settings as there for canned messages but the actual messages are not exported.

allowInputSource: rotEnc1
enabled: true
inputbrokerEventCcw: DOWN
inputbrokerEventCw: UP
inputbrokerEventPress: SELECT
inputbrokerPinA: 22
inputbrokerPinB: 23
inputbrokerPinPress: 21
rotary1Enabled: true

Any help appreciated.

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