Buzzer ringtone (Heltec LoRa 32)

I got a buzzer working (playing ringtone on message arrival) on the Heltec Lora 32 but still have some questions. I could dive into the source code but maybe someone could point out some more detailed documentation (the documentation on Meshtastic is a bit brief).

So I used a small passive buzzer with PWM on pin 7. These are my current settings:


enabled: true

output_ms: 60000

use_pwm: true

output_buzzer: 7

alert_message_buzzer: true

nag_timeout: 2

I found that some ringtones didnā€™t work as expected. I guess the RTTTL standard is not fully implemented. But the provided link in the documentation gives good results (these work as expected).

With the above settings the ringtone plays when a message is received only once. What I had in mind though was that the notification would repeat until the button is pressed. I could not get this working. Iā€™m not sure how the nag_timeout and output_ms work exactly.

The doc (for nag timeout) says: Specifies if the alert should be repeated. If set to a value greater than zero, the alert will be repeated until the user button is pressed or ā€˜valueā€™ number of seconds have past.

For me this sounds exactly as what I need. When I increase the value it sure does repeat. But it repeats immediately (head to tail). So I thought I could use ā€œoutput_msā€ for that. The doc says: Specifies how long in milliseconds you would like your GPIOs to be active. In case of the repeat option, this is the duration of every tone and pause. But I do not get a pause.

So perhaps the ā€œoutput_msā€ is not used for PWM? (I can not tell from reading the documentation).

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