Best way to see if it is working?

I live in an area where there are only a few users and have my node set for router/client…is there a location in the app which shows if it’s “working”? For example when it routes someones message or even hears another node? Maybe a ticker for how many messages it’s heard and routed?

It would be nice to have some sort of open channel where I could ping anyone in range and see if they hear me…unsure if this exists already.

Best way would be to have another node :slight_smile:

If you don’t set any LoRa or channel setting except for your region, it will talk to an “open channel”. If there is another node in range that also uses the default settings, it will appear in your node list.
If you send a message to the default channel and you don’t get an acknowledgment, nobody heard it.

Ok, that makes sense…I do think it would be cool to add a tab “so easy my mom can figure it out” where it shows that it’s working and how many other nodes it’s seen etc. But I’m also not a coder…hehe

I am waiting on a second node (and so is a friend) from lilygo and they’ve been stuck at customs in NYC for maybe 1-2 months? I do wonder how much that failed process is impacting the ability to adopt technology like this.