FYI Wellington region folks:
Our mesh currently uses the LONG_FAST default preset on frequency slot 20 (LF20). Due to the large number of nodes on our mesh (>150), things are becoming unusably congested, and we need to move to a faster mode in order to restore usability.
Starting this weekend, we will be moving a number of key high sites over to the SHORT_FAST modulation on frequency slot 16 (SF16), with the aim of region-wide coverage on SF. These sites will remain there going forward. Please move your nodes to SF16 if possible.
High sites will have SF16 / LF20 appended to their long name to assist with identifying which nodes are operating on your frequency, vs which are bridged.
The bridges aren’t production-ready yet, but the congestion is getting so bad that the mesh isn’t really usable on LF alone currently; we’re at the point that we have to just move things anyway, and let the bridges catch up a number of weeks down the line when they are ready for wider deployment. Expect some bridging between LF20/SF16, but initially quite limited, and in the early stages may incur an unusually high number of extra hops.
For those who remain on LF20, or are delayed in moving, we do have enough routers built to maintain decent coverage on LF20 in the Wairarapa, Hutt, and Wellington areas. Kapiti & Manawatu might also, but will not initially have the ability to backhaul LF20 back to the rest of the region.
Longer term we’re intending to have SF/LF bridged locally at a number of sites across the region, with most backhaul between high sites taking place over SF, and the LF hop limit clamped. This should result in LF becoming much more usable than it is today (although SF will almost always still be the better choice).
New node settings:
Region: ANZ
Modem preset: SHORT_FAST
Frequency Slot: 16 (918.875MHz)
Primary channel name: ShortFast
Primary channel key: AQ==
Unless you have manually changed these before, the only setting you should have to change is the modem preset. All the other ones should come across automatically. However, if you have any connectivity issues after the move, please double-check that your setting match the above.
Please sing out if you have questions or issues.