TraceRoute - What exactly is the point?

I have only successfully been able to run a traceroute on my own two nodes sitting in the same room with each other. Haven’t been able to run one under any other circumstances. Always get the no response response.

Am I doing it wrong?
Or is it only for stuff so ridiculously close, you don’t need it?

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These things should be really cool. There should be little animations right over the top of the Node Map so we can see the strings of connections.

The yarns and pins in the murder mystery. Or, Indiana Jones flying to Indonesia


Doesn’t matter how far they are, if you have a stable two-way connection, you should get a response.

Make sure the other node is really online and reachable.

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If there are nodes in the network that can’t hear others, especially if these nodes are configured as router or router-client then they disturb the communication because they may send at the same time when the node on your route wants to deliver the packet back to you.
Also, same applies if you have two nodes at home but only one is near the window, but the other cannot hear the node answering outside, it may just send at the same time the outside node is answering and your other node will just receive garbage and ditch it. To improve this situation you could configure the node without direct connection to the outside node as client-mute. Then it will not disturb the communication that frequently.

Finally, if you use the CLI for trace route or remote config then always add the parameter --no-time to increase your success rate.