Traceroute does not use short node names making mapping of traceroute onerous

My traceroute does not use the short node names. This makes mapping the path of the hops on a map next to so impossible that it counts as a tragedy. Can one set the traceroute to show the node short names? That would at least allow one to see on the map fast where the hops go. As it is, I have to take the traceroute, find the long name in the node list, find the node short name, look at the map… you get the picture. Basically on a mobile device it just does not maximise the fun. Why does the map not show the traceroute directly as a zig-zag: that would seem to be a basic fun feature. Is it available? (I am on Adroid)

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Can make feature requests here:

… but yes, it would be nice if the Traceroute function could be directly plotted on the map.

In general the sharing of location of nodes publically, is quite new, partly driven by the ‘Position Accuracy’ function - ie can much easier to choose to show a truncated location, rahter than precise location publically.

… so historically probably few nodes had position.

In time hopefully, the Neighbour info can be incorperated into the map too Neighbor Info Module Usage | Meshtastic

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