Text to ^all vs single node

So if I send out a text to ^all, I can see it come across the JSON/MQTT as a type: “text”. If a text is sent to a specific node then the type is “” (blank).

Why is that?

A blank type may mean the type is not supported for JSON output, or the packet is encrypted. Do you have encryption disabled in the MQTT settings and does the MQTT node have the encryption key used to send to a single node?

encryption is enabled in the meshtastic device. All devices within the node all have the same three keys (0, admin and IO channels).

After further inspection of the code, I found that indeed direct messages towards the MQTT node will not be sent to MQTT. This is because the MQTT node only sends packets to MQTT that it will also send out over LoRa. For messages to a channel, the node will rebroadcast the message, but for a direct message towards itself, it won’t. The packet with empty type you see is the acknowledgment (which has no JSON output yet) it sends towards the sender.

Uplinking direct messages to the MQTT node is now in the firmware and will be in the next release.