Tbeam and meshtastic home wifi

Very new to this and just working out how it all works,
I’m just wondering if this can be used for a home mesh wifi to allow strong wifi signal through the home and property. Similar to the Google nest mesh wifi
Any info that would be great

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alas - I think not a good fit for that. lora is quite slow usually, and even when run with the fastest possible settings it will be much slower than wifi.

I see so the tbeam really is for basic communication, none the less I’m impressed with the tech as a prepper network or homesteading of grid network, wa thinking if there’s away to hock up with bigger antennas connected to a solar panel to increase range.

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Better antennas definely help range (some folks here have gotten 98km per hop).

Welcome @SavageWolf666!

Some discussions on solar and relays: https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/solar-relays-best-practice/


Ok thank you for the help my head runs away with me at times and was thinking of a SHTF or underground network were you could secretly stash self substaning nodes through out towns and citys lol I love how this is a open engineerd project, the everyday hobbyist doing the testing and ideas ect

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