T-deck from Lilygo

Have you tried to use different USB cables? Sometimes random flashing issues are caused by certain cable/device combinations.

We’ve definitely heard of issues flashing this device but it seems to be hit or miss. Did you try using the CLI scripts to install? Flashing with the CLI | Meshtastic

Yep i thought of that too and tried different cables
I will try the CLI way and see if that works…

I found a way but it’s in no way what’s recommended or even safe, Uploading Bin File Firmware to ESP32 - YouTube

Also stuck on Preparing installation using Chrome, Mac and Web installer.

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Gonna wait for the Dev to do their magic…for this one its gonna be worth the wait to have a fully integrated unit with Meshtastic…
If anyone comes up with any fantastic ideas to flash this bad boy please post em?

I posted a video that worked for me, but this is also helpful https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-Document/blob/master/WinFlashBin.md the issue appears to be with the esptool, I have tried numerous os’s, browsers, and CLI methods and different web tools and this is the only way I got it to load.


what was the exact file that you uploaded using the flash download tool?
Congrats BTW!!! I think you might be the first to get this working!

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I used, I will also add check the cable used when flashing as well that was an initial hurdle for me.

firmware-t-deck- works like a charm for me!

All I had to do was connect it and run:

./device-install.sh -f firmware-t-deck-

Didn’t need to hold down any buttons or mess around at all.


Is it possible to send messages on a T-Deck without pairing it to a smartphone?

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Not that I could tell, no.

I was able to move between the screens with the trackball and by swiping the touch screen. There doesn’t seem to be any UI developed yet for messaging.



Hopefully stand-alone messaging will be added later as it would IMHO qualify the T-Deck as a premium Meshtastic client.


I am hoping someone far smarter than me figures out how to make it a stand alone messenger

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I think it should already work if you use the CLI to configure the CannedMessageModule:
meshtastic --set canned_message.enabled true --set canned_message.allow_input_source "_any"

See also: Canned Message Module Configuration | Meshtastic

Pardon for my noob question but did you have to compile the bin on your own? If no, can you enlighten me on what folder its in?

That is the whole goal of the device IMHO

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It’s all on the github for meshtastic under firmware. GitHub - meshtastic/firmware: Meshtastic device firmware

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Booom! Got It! Thank you all!


I got two of these, and like others, the web install doesn’t work, but the CLI does. Problem I have is that after install, My first unit no longer comms with esptool. Like at all. I’m left with the feeling that I can’t install later releases.
Working with Windows 10, and a good cable. I know nothing about coding, little about microcontrollers, and you may assume that the only thing I know is how to follow instructions.
For the most part, the device seems to work ok, but I’m feeling a bit stranded in the initial alpha.