Step-by-step Meshtastic-python setup on Windows

As I understand, complete customization of meshtastic boards requires a computer with Python.

Can anyone help with step-by-step instructions on how to set up and run Meshtastic-python on Windows computer?

I have downloaded and installed Python from
I have downloaded all the files from Github Meshtastic-python

But I cannot figure out how to make them work together.

Please, help! :slight_smile:

You’re on the right track. Check this out:

Thank you!
It looks like an instruction set for linux users.
I steel need further help.

I got Python installed in windows
I got unzipped Meshtastic-python-master to a folder d:\Prog\Meshtastic-python-master\

And I am stuck at this stage, as I have no idea about how to run this scripts in windows

Try at a Windows command line:
pip install meshtastic

You can then run it with
meshtastic —help

The python program that you downloaded is not needed, unless you want to develop, or understand how it works.



And make sure during the python install to click the checkbox for “add python to the system PATH variable”. It’s is on the first screen or two.

After installing Python and selecting the option to add to path you can confirm this is working by:

1 - Open cmd
2 - type: python

This should launch python and you will see a python prompt in the cmd window. To exit python simply type the command.


This command will get you back to the normal windows terminal and you have verified that python is working from the command line.

You can now type these command to install the meshtastic tools including the GUI

python -m pip install --upgrade meshtastic

python -m pip install PySimpleGUI

python -m install meshtastic-pygui

You use the meshtastic API with the meshtastic command, you can also launch the gui by running



btw - because your lists meshtastic and pysimplegui as dependencies, it is even simpler than this. The user just needs to type:

pip install --upgrade meshtastic-pygui

It will automatically fetch any dependencies as needed.

(Python for the last few years has automatically put pip in the path if python is in the path)


I spent a few hours this weekend working on a start-to-finish doc on installing Python, Git BASH, drivers, etc. on a Windows machine for working with Meshtastic - hopefully Windows users will be able to use it as a guide to get up and running quickly: Setting up a Windows machine for use with Meshtastic-Python

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Thank you, I like happy accidents!