Setting fixed Position via admin remote

Can’t set a fixed Position via remote settings on the Android App, it is greyed out.

You can’t set a node position remotely.

Is it Not possible or is it a Feature?

If it is a Feature, I dont understand why :man_shrugging:

I’ve been stymied more than once by this. It’s a security “feature” though I’m not positive why, of all of the things they expose via remote admin, this is the one thing that was deemed too “risky.” :thinking:

I don’t see the logic in it myself. Fortunately, it’s a mistake you only tend to make once.

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I would also like to know why. I don’t see how it would be a limitation of the software or protocols. Yet, I also am uncertain how it would be an issue otherwise.

The reason I need this feature is because I just recently installed a node on a 200ft tower. The node is unreachable via Bluetooth from the ground, and somehow between preparing the node and installing it, it lost its configuration data. I reconfigured it while I was on the tower, but guess what? I forgot to fix the fixed position data. So now I have a node that’s not broadcasting it’s position, and I can’t fix it unless I climb the tower again.

Frustrating, to say the absolute least.


It is indeed a security choice, you are not able to set another nodes location. Tons of spoofed positions is of little benefit to the mesh.

Too bad we cant. I dont see the security of this. Positions are already spoofed as soon as someone sets a fixed position. Spoof your way to anywhere on the planet.
Only difference is you need to be near the node connected with BT or wifi. If you have access to the admin channel, chances are that you are authorized to change the position regardless of your physical location in regards to the node you are changing.
Right now Im in the situation where my wifes node, connected to my node through mqtt, through a bug in the system somehow have aquired and locked in my position at work far far away from home. I have an admin channel, but cannot change it.
There are far more reasons for opening up this function than not.


I accidentally cleared the node DB remotely of my solar node on the hill near me. Since the fixed position is stored in the node DB and not the settings it’s now gone. I have now to drive 30 Minutes to the node to connect to it via BT and set it again. I am with @IFA2891 , there will be not more spoofing, since it is possible via BT anyway and the position is transmitted without the number of satellites as node with internal GPS do. I would really like a solution for this issue by moving the coordinates and hight from the Node DB to the settings and then allow the change via remote Admin channel.