I was advised to make new topic… https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/home-assistant-mqtt-device-tracker/8305
pardon, I know that sometime as first post is " there was search function, why not used" maybe somebody can post here recommended settings, how it should be done to achieve my goal - receive sensor setting over mesh.
my setup, fw. 2.2.24 (previously it was 2.2.21 …22)
a) router-client, connected to home wi-fi: LILYGO® TTGO Meshtastic T-Beam V1.2 ESP32 LoRa Development Board 433MHz (at https://flasher.meshtastic.org/ I used as devide - T-Beam, right?) +BME280 sensor;
b) client, not connected to wi-fi, can be used with iOS app or mostly serial connected, to change settings in web UI. device - LILYGO® TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 Version 433MHz at https://flasher.meshtastic.org/ I used as devide - T-LoRa V2.1_1.6, right?) +BME280 (I see snesor data in display) . I used as client, shell I change to sensor? idea is to keep this device as client normaly. (in EU we have 433 and 868MHz, I got also some Heltec boards for 868, but not yet tested this sensor feature.
Aim, ad additional feature ti have, to broadcast over msh BME280 /telemetry data and pick up data from mqtt.meshtastic broked and integrate into HomeAssistant. (I managed to do that with device - a) )
issus is that I dont see sensor data in mqtt explorer, it use to be only status " online" but now even that is gone. To check does it transmit or not:
a) I see router-client name in client display;
b) with iOS app, data off, I can send message to router, seems that LoRa module is fine;
c) there is client name in router-client mqtt topic, when I reboot device (see pic below, nr. 1)
1 - my cient device short name;
2 - client-router id/name;
3 - 1728 is short name that I searching in all topics.
/ settings from 1728, cleint device →
Nr.1 as thsi is enablem, I see topics over mqtt, then I conenct phone app;
Nr2. - this is enabled, so there is sensor data if phone app conencted.
+in iOS app, some settings can t be enabled at smae time, but in serial client.meshatastic.com it allows enable all at once and keeps after reboot. hard to express what I mean, most likelly I will record screen, then you will see, that at some combination, some setting buttons jums back to off automatically.
nr.1 keeps to be off, if I set it ON, after reboot in web UI it is still off.
this settings is as default
by enabling these I see data in display, so this seems is sat right.