Hi, I’m using a RAK4631 device (FW connected to a solarpanel. It seems that the solarpanel is capable to keep the battery power on a high level. But in the last two days the device showed strange metrics log, in particular, the date was wrong for two days (01/01/70). I just checked the device few minutes ago, the LED was blinking, as if the device was working normally. I did a reset and now the date is correct. Is this a bug in the FW? Attached is a section from the metrics log.
Time comes from the gps , 1/1:1970 is Unix epoch so essentially the date value was 0
Is only the date or also the time coming from GPS? Since the time seems to make some sense, but I’m not sure. When the GPS signal was lost somehow, the device was at the same position and in the same condition as before. What could have been the reason for loosing the signal?
I have the same thing now with V2.5.4. On my RAK.
1970 date just appeared?
Is there a way to reset it? Thanks!