RAK4631 + ethernet not working?

I have pretty much the same problem. I have the RAK19007 base, 19018 Ethernet, piggy back PoE module, and the latest Meshtastic firmware (2.3.11).

The Ethernet interface responds to pings, but it will not connect via Ethernet from the Android App, or from the web interface. The BT connection works fine.

As far as I can see, this topic has not been resolved.

Having this exact issue with RAK19007+RAK4631+RAK13800+RAK19018 combo. I can configure the device from meshtastic python cli from a PC and I can receive messages over LAN to Android client but I cannot send messages over LAN or configure the device over LAN with Android app (works fine via Bluetooth).

I can confirm that there is a defiantly a problem with the RAK ethernet

I’ve been having similar issues. I am unsure if this is a software issue, as it appears the new starter kits as of late have been using the 13800VC ethernet module. Has the 2.3.13 or 2.3.14 firmware build accounted for this?

Yup, I too have been having issues with v2.4.3.91d6612.

I can get ethernet to recognise it has an IP address, but it struggles to be configurable either through ethernet, or even USB and Bluetooth when the ethernet is enabled. At one point I did have it sending MQTT to the network broker, but even that now seems to be a problem. Keen to find out if anyone else has had any luck with other firmware versions?

i’ve only gotten it to work for a very short time, once. I don’t know why it works, then stops working. very frustrating.

It might be improved by this pull request which is now in the 2.5.0 alpha release.

Can confirm my PoE RAK node works with clients now. MQTT always worked since I built it a few months ago but clients never did. After installing 2.5.1 it seems very solid from Android client over LAN.

(Running RAK19007/4631/19017/19018)

I have same hardware here. I can ping the node:

ohn@john-desktop:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=127 time=0.103 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=127 time=0.128 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=127 time=0.103 ms

It does not connect using client.meshtastic.org (http connection to fails.
Does not seem to be listening either:

john@john-desktop:~$ nc -zv 443
nc: connect to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
john@john-desktop:~$ nc -zv 80
nc: connect to port 80 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
john@john-desktop:~$ nc -zv 8080
nc: connect to port 8080 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

Running 2.5.2.:

meshtastic --port /dev/ttyACM1 --info
Connected to radio

Owner: Meshtastic ece6 (ece6)
My info: { "myNodeNum": 4114564127, "minAppVersion": 30200, "rebootCount": 0 }
Metadata: { "firmwareVersion": "", "deviceStateVersion": 23, "canShutdown": true, "hasBluetooth": true, "hasEthernet": true, "positionFlags": 811, "hwModel": "RAK4631", "hasPKC": true, "hasWifi": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hasRemoteHardware": false }

I can confirm I was able to connect to my RAK over ethernet - but only via the android app. No way to do it via IP on iphone app. I also could not connect via IP from client.meshtastic.org (using http method), even though the android app could. THat’s strange and wonky behaviour.

In addition, it seems that on reboots, the ethernet connection does not come back up, and unit needs a hard reboot (unplugging/replugging) to re-establish ethernet connection.

furthermore, after several hours of being on, the ethernet connection simply vanishes and is no longer pingable on the network. When this happens, device requires hard reboot to regain connectivity.

Overall, this is rediculous, and because of all this wonky behavior, it’s very hard to recommend Meshtastic to anyone who might want to rely on it. In my case here, I’m simply trying to setup an MQTT gateway node for my local mesh, but with all this wonky behavior, the experience is seriously lackluster.

I have same issue as @K1WIZ , has someone opened a bug in relation to this? if you have i can close [Bug]: rak4631 with lan does not open webserver only port 4403 · Issue #5079 · meshtastic/firmware · GitHub as a duplicate

There’s no way to fit a webserver in the nRF52 flash space. even if there was one available.