Python CLI - can't send message over secondary (admin) channel

I have two Meshtastic nodes, both configured with the same admin channel (done using this guide: Remote Node Administration | Meshtastic).

Everything works fine, I can remotely administer each node from the other, and can send messages in the admin channel (channel index 1) from one device to the other.

The problem arises when I attempt to use the Python CLI to send the message. It just never arrives. I can send messages fine on the primary channel, but not the secondary.

Command I am using is:

brad@raspberrypi:~ $ meshtastic --host --ch-index 1 --sendtext "Testing 123"
Connected to radio
Sending text message Testing 123 to ^all on channelIndex:1
brad@raspberrypi:~ $

Python CLI version is:

brad@raspberrypi:~ $ meshtastic --v
brad@raspberrypi:~ $

Should this work? If so, what am I doing wrong?


An update on this.

I just tried 20 times in a row, and it worked 3 times out of those 20.

So, it’s working, but intermittent.

Devices are only 40m apart.

I did the same 20 message test on the primary channel, and all arrived fine.