Python based tracking map

Hello All.
In the last days I fiddled with my meshtastic devices.

Beside using the Android App I tested the connection to python and found the MeshWatch project from datagod (MeshWatch - Testing and monitoring tool).

Unfortunately I was not able to get curses running on my windows computer so i tried to strip curses from MechWatch.
After I succeeded with my limited Python knowledge I got more ideas and so i began to stumple my way trough Python programming and testing.

In the end I present to you a Python program (still based on MechWatch) which will use the Python package folium to place markers for meshtastic devices on a map.
This map is then exported as html file.
All known locations of a device will be retained and different devices will be represented with different marker colours.
My thanks go to datagod because without the base of MeshWatch I would not have been able to create this.


Nice, looks interesting. I’ll give it a go sometime.