New to Tokyo, Japan- Need help


I am new to Meshtastic and live in the Tokyo area. Is there a single frequency that has been chosen to use in Japan? I can’t find many other people using it here (hoping to start a meshtastic trend).


Same here. I’m totally new to this. I’m in the Tokyo area.
As far as I understand it the unlicensed legal frequency range in Japan is 920-925 MHz.

Here’s a few sources for this:

I just ordered a Heltec v3 today, and I’m a bit worried about it using the correct legal frequencies.
If I mess it up and end up using incorrect frequencies, I’m wondering what’s the worst that could happen…?

I looked at the meshmap for Tokyo, and it looks like there are only 7 nodes so at the moment. Too bad…
I really hope this is gonna get more popular eventually!

Nice to meet you - In Japan I am in the Fukuoka area and interested in setting up some permanent radios. I will pass through Tokyo periodically. Can we coordinate on recommendations for good equipment vendors? I was trying to find the right frequencies to order of basic Heltec V3 models (with USB-C port) however I can only seem to find USA and EU models from US sellers.

For reference in my local area around silicon valley, I have “collected” about 43 nodes in a few weeks of driving around the area (maybe 100 square mile range). There are surely more, so this is just in the default channel 0 and with the base antenna.

I am interested in “citizen” IoT use cases in Fukuoka and looking for applications in Japan. One thing about Japan is the cellular and wimax wireless coverage is so good in general, but I think as an emergency net for certain Meshtastic will be useful, but might be necessary to seed some districts in each town with training and modules to support general emergency use case beyond the traditional emergency networks.

As far as I am understanding a lot of these ones here should work because the mhz is at a range instead of fixed but I would double check. Because of Japan’s frequency is slightly different from the US you will want the 902-928 mhz option. I dont think they use USB C though if I remember in a video I saw it was a proprietary magnetic charging cable. There may be other options though this vendor that might work better though so poke around.

Heltec Capsule Sensor V3

can a 915mhz antenna work in japan?

Are there any good sites in Japan for Lora / Meshtastic gear? I found this site awhile back when I was looking at some obscure sony spresence parts: (arrow company). Wondering what has worked for others. A lot of stuff that goes to US from china takes 3-4 weeks or more, so wondering what the delivery turn around is direct from China → Japan via the cheap flatpack rate?

Hi all, I’m in Tokyo and about to buy a device. I concur with iodine131, and found the same resource here, which is specific to lora and lorawan - Frequency Plans by Country | The Things Network
I think I will get the H3 and go for it.