Need some icons and does anybody know their way around Github actions?

Hi all and especially @geeksville ,

I have been making reasonably good progress with my Meshtastic map project in NodeJS. What I’m working on is a server app which connects to a Meshtastic device via USB serial and then puts all positions it gets on a map. I might also add display of received messages and some other functions to it.
At the moment, I’m using the milsymboljs library to display devices on a map because I reused much of the frontend code from another project. I was thinking, some custom Meshtastic icons would be nicer. Do we have any graphically talented people here who would be interested to create some nice icons for the project?

I’m also about ready to push the project to Github - after some cleanup work. It’s meant to run in a docker container and I could surely build the conatiners locally and push them every time I make some changes. But it would be kinda nice if that would go automatically. Does anybody know their way around Github actions and could help set up a CI pipeline which builds and pushes the containers automatically?

Have a great day,