Mqtt cannot obtain JSON data

My firmware is heltec-V3 2.3.2, and I have configured the JSON option in mqtt. I have subscribed to two topics, msh/2/JSON/d/! Da5e4eb0 and msh/2/e/d/! Da5e4eb0, but the theme hit each time is msh/2/e/d/! Da5e4eb0, but unable to obtain the JSON data I wanted, for some unknown reason?

The topic has “json” in there and is case sensitive.

I would advise to use MQTT Explorer.

I got debug info from Serial :
Add packet record (id=0xec68742e fr=0xb0 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0xf5 encrypted rxSNR=12.5 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Using channel 1 (hash 0xf5)
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Using AES256 key!
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] ESP32 crypt fr=da5e4eb0, num=ec68742e, numBytes=18!
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] decoded message (id=0xec68742e fr=0xb0 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x1 Portnum=1 rxtime=1712219526 rxSNR=12.5 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] handleReceived(REMOTE) (id=0xec68742e fr=0xb0 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x1 Portnum=1 rxtime=1712219526 rxSNR=12.5 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] MQTT onSend - Publishing portnum 1 message
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] MQTT Publish msh/2/e/mqtt/!dadfb998, 81 bytes
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Sending mqtt message on topic ‘msh/2/e/mqtt/!dadfb998’ to client for proxying to server
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] got text message of size 14
INFO | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] text message payload is of type plaintext
INFO | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] serialized json message: {“channel”:1,“from”:3663613616,“hops_away”:0,“id”:3966268462,“payload”:{“text”:“Test json data”},“rssi”:-51,“sender”:“!dadfb998”,"snr
INFO | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] JSON publish message to msh/2/json/mqtt/!dadfb998, 193 bytes: {“channel”:1,“from”:3663613616,“hops_away”:0,“id”:3966268462,“payload”:{“text”:“Test json data”}
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Sending mqtt message on topic ‘msh/2/json/mqtt/!dadfb998’ to client for proxying to server
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Module ‘text’ wantsPacket=1
INFO | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Received text msg from=0xda5e4eb0, id=0xec68742e, msg=Test json data
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Enter state: ON
DEBUG | 08:32:06 1316 [Router] Module ‘text’ considered

mqtt.fx Configure as: msh/2/json/mqtt/!dadfb998

I got json broker is unstable