Meshtastic 1.3.21 - June 21 Public Preview

What device? Do you have notification on under Settings > Meshtastic? Are you showing subscribed on the Bluetooth tab?

There is no notification setting under Settings > Meshtastic. I have only Location, Bluetooth and Siri & search.

To be clear though, it’s not a lack of notification that I’m talking about. The message doesn’t show in the Meshtastic app at all. (Nor on the TBeam’s screen either).

Yes, it shows as ‘Properly Subscribed’ in the Bluetooth tab.

Here is an overview photo showing everything I mentioned above. (IE Android sends, get an ACK, shows on other Tbeam - doesn’t show on other smart device. Nothing happens at all in the other direction)

Can you run meshtastic --noproto on a device and turn on the mesh log in iOS?

Pretty sure it is the notifications prompt, try disconnecting and then re-connecting to the device again from the iOS device without messages and you should get an iOS notifications prompt. Notifications now have their own settings in settings > notifications.

I attempted to disconnect and reconnect from the iOS app. As usual, the first time it did not say ‘Properly subscribed’. I disconnected and reconnected and then it did.

I did not get any pop-up about notifications. Also, as per my previous screenshots, there is no ‘Notifications’ within Settings > Meshtastic.

Settings > Notifications has no Meshtastic entry. It does have Test Pilot, which has all notifications enabled.

UPDATE: Since I put the TBeam connected to iOS into --noproto mode a message came through successfully, and that caused the Notification Pop-up to appear. Since then there is a Settings > Notifications > Meshtastic part. (Everything is turned on).

OK, I have one TBeam in --noproto mode and I have enabled the Mesh Log.

Sending a message from Android to iOS now works, and the iOS app popped up with the Notifications pop-up. Which I allowed.

In this mode Android can send a message to iOS and it appears within the app AND on the Tbeam’s screen. There is no tick shown on the Android app though.

iOS can send a message back to Android, and gets ‘Achnowledged’ under it, and it shows on the other Tbeam. But it doesn’t show in the Android app at all.

So I now have slightly improved one-way communications :slight_smile:

Basically, the TBeam running in —noproto mode now works properly. The other one, (which is not in that mode) continues to misbehave.

At least both Tbeams show the messages in this mode!

The mesh activity log remains blank.

Getting closer! The IOS app updated last night to 1.3.21 and that seems to have helped the two-way communication quite a bit. I am now getting messages in both directions on both the TBeam displays and the IOS/Android app that is paired to each. This is the best I’ve been able to do since jumping on the 1.3.x train.

The IOS app seems do be doing a good job of maintaining its connection to the TBeam, even after exiting the app or rebooting the TBeam. So far it has reconnected as expected.

The Android app still has some quirks pairing, and after rebooting the TBeam or restarting the app, I have to jump through some hoops to get the app and TBeam to talk again. It’s funny because when I first started with Meshtastic in the 1.2.x days, the Android device was always super easy to pair and did a great job reconnecting to the TBeam. It was the IOS app that gave me fits, but now it’s the other way around.

Great job and many thanks to all the developers. I appreciate the work and progress!!

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Yes! Same here. I now have two way communications from both Android and iOS apps, with acknowledgements (on Android only some of the time), and the messages show on the opposite Tbeams as expected.

The Android app is definitely more problematic. I keep having to forget and re-pair the Tbeam every time it loses connection. Half the time the channel screen is blank, so I then reboot the Tbeam, and most of the messages don’t show the acknowledgement tick - even though they did get through fine.

It’s really great to be able to send messages back and forth again! The messages send and arrive quickly. The new features in the iOS app look great too. Thanks to everyone involved!

After a bit more testing: messages that arrive on the Tbeam (screen), get an ‘Acknowledged’ in the iOS app, often don’t show on the Android device screen.

The radio definitely shows as connected, and the channel screen is populated.

Disconnecting (by selecting ‘None (disable)’) and then reconnecting sometimes forces these through, initially in a pop-up alert, and then in the chat window.

@MeshMonkey this is very similar to what I am seeing. Glad it’s not just me. :slight_smile:

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Having issues with the IOS app connection to a radio. Firmware on radio is updated to latest version.
Error on the application says “BLE connection Timeout after making 5 attempts to meshtastic” any solutions?

I have had success “forgetting” the ble connection in iOS setting and initiating a new one in the app. Maybe give that a try.

Thank you it worked!

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