I wanted to experiment in some things related to rak4631 firmware and I just couldnt find any instructions on how to install and use the build toolchain using cli only.
In case anyone else is interested in this particular topic, I was delighted to find out how elegant and simple the build system is.
Some pre-requisite packages needed:
python3, python3-virtualenvwrapper
## setup new build env
$ mkvirtualenv meshtastic
## switch to build env
$ workon meshtastic
## install dev platform
$ pip install -U platformio
## init git repos
$ git clone https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware.git
$ cd firmware && git submodule update --init
## build rak4631 target
$ pio run -e rak4631
=> .pio/build/rak4631/firmware.zip (DFU OTA flashable package)
From nothing to running binary in less than 5 minutes with zero hassle, amazing.
Many thanks to anyone and everyone working on the toolchain.