Heltec V3 and Display Message on integrated display

Hi, i want to use the heltec v3 also without an mobile-app. this time i flashed 2.3.6 but i have the problem, that any sent message is only displayed on my android-app. But i also want to use the device with usb-battery and see the arriving message. but this is not displayed. Also not displayed if im clicking each available page by the upper button.

so my question is this a bug of firmware or is it possible by config-parameter?

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I’m having the same issue, but my T-Decks have the same behavior. I have two T-decks and a Heltec v3 in a private mesh and none of them will display messages on screen. I’m running 2.3.9 on all of them.

@scriptwriter13 Are you using a private channel? If so, have you made the primary channel private?

This seems to have cropped up for me after configuring private channels.

yes, im using a primary private channel with enabled gps and secondary channel which is open. do you think this could be the problem? also if im sending through the secondary non private channel the message is not displayed

Do you have store & forward enabled?

yes, i thought this would be good if the receiver is not there. but i guess the message seems to be discarded too with this sf-enabled after 1/2 minute if it was not possible to deliver (no other nodes available to deliver messages on camping, only 1 sender and 1 receiver, which possibly is not reachable some time

Ok yeah that’s a known issue and the same one I was running into:

The firmware is not displaying messages when store & forward is enabled to avoid overwhelming the UI with messages from the server. I’m told this is going to be addressed and improved in the future. For now just turn off store & forward and you’ll see messages again.

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ok, i disabled SF on both devices. it does show now an old message. All newer messages are not delivered. The first after the old delivered and shown message was getting a cloudsymbol which is empty and all other are getting a cloud with up-arrow. devices showing both @2/2 and are 1m distance so they should see the other one… resetbutton on both makes no change.

Edit: i erased both devices and reflashed and restored only channels. then it worked all fine.

Thank you very much!