Heltec v3.1 Exporting rangetest.csv webclient and iOS not found

I did a range test and I connected my node to the wifi, then access its IP/rangetest.csv and nothing happens. When I navigate to the node’s IP/rangetest.csv, it brings me to the home page and shows that there are no devices connected. I click on the new device button and click connect to the IP address and it connects and can do things. But when I navigate to the rangetest.csv, it navigates me back to the homepage with no devices connected.

I checked out the devtools network tab and saw that there is a request for getting the .csv file:

But the data says “You need js to run this file” or something along those lines, which probably means the file doesn’t exist or what else could it mean?

Did the device not save the data? It did map it on the iOS application map. I was clicking around after some time and suddenly saw that it has a route on the mesh map so I’m assuming it saved the data somewhere I just can’t access it.