Heltec HT-CT62 support - Meshtastic's future?

Okay I finally bothered to read some of the instructions, only took me 6 months. Moved over the VScode with PlatformIO, instead of the Arduino IDE. Downloaded the latest firmware I think, Created a new variant folder, tried about 4 different options and just over wrote the existing SCL and SDA defines with the discussed GPIO18 and GPIO19 and… With a couple of tiny solder blobs its bloody working!

I have much to learn, but I am back on track a little and can now see some progress and understand much better what the hell is going on. Really appreciate the support!

With @caveman99 ’s blessing on the PR I think you should be able to use the pre-built Meshtastic firmware from the next release after merge to achieve the same thing.

I don’t think there’s other users who have objected to the loss of native USB yet.

Woooh! My phone just doesn’t have the login saved for this site. I absolutely object! The best part of any C3 device is the tiny size devices that are possible with native USB. My entire product relies on it.

What’s your use case to be relying on USB for a Meshtastic device? If you are building a device, then you may want to use PRIVATE_HW and define the pins yourself rather than use the HT-CT62 variant. Then add the device to protobufs if you end up selling it.

You can use the HRU-3601 as a starting point for native USB.

There is a new player in this category - LilyGO T3-C6 (a.k.a. T-LORAC6).

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Thanks for the previous help on this topic. Any chance someone can work out why the deep sleep function for sensor and tracker roles doesn’t seem to work on this board? Seem to restart as soon as the light sleep timer runs out.

The heltec capsule sensor does the same thing.

Sorry, my post above was a bit premature. The HT-CT62 does seems to be deep sleeping in Sensor mode. Was strangely sending sensor telemetry every 5 minutes instead of the set 15 minutes. Soon as i changed this to an hour that came right.

Has anyone got a way of getting the device to measure its battery voltage? I suspect this will need an external voltage divider. Currently I power the module from a lipo through a 3.3v LDO. but guessing it would be possible to hook the actual battery to the voltage divider, but not sure how to wire or set that up in the firmware??

As I play with the HT-CT62 more I think one of the issues with power is that it always things its Powered. So then Power savings is enabled it doesn’t work. Just noticed that my Heltec V3 proper goes to sleep they way the profile is set but only when not connected to USB.
Is there some way to wire up the HT-CT62 so it realises its on a battery? Or force Mestastic to behave like its on battery even when its not?

Here is my HT-CT62 design

But I stop using esp32c3 due to high power consumption (at list in my nodes…)

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What alternative are you considering?

Nrf52840 modules, mainly promicro.

I have no problem with deep sleep (I got 10 microA in sleep mode)
But I have problems with low radio range (power 22dBm) (((