io /dev/ttyACM1
[tio 11:21:08] tio v1.32
[tio 11:21:08] Press ctrl-t q to quit
[tio 11:21:08] Connected
��@INFO | ??:??:?? 0
//\ E S H T /\ S T / C
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 Try create file .
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 File system check is OK.
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 meshtastic.txt (288 Bytes)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 channels.proto (57 Bytes)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 config.proto (103 Bytes)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 module.proto (118 Bytes)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 db.proto (418 Bytes)
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Scanning for i2c devices...
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Scanning for i2c devices on port 1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 I2C device found at address 0x19
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 BMA423 accelerometer found
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 I2C device found at address 0x44
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Wire.available() = 2
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 SHT31 sensor found
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 2 I2C devices found
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 acc_info = 31
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 found i2c sensor meshtastic_TelemetrySensorType_SHT31
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Meshtastic hwvendor=255, swver=2.3.11.eecfa40f
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Reset reason: 0x0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Setting random seed 1925971537
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Initializing NodeDB
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loading /prefs/db.proto
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded /prefs/db.proto successfully
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded saved devicestate version 22, with nodecount: 3
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loading /prefs/config.proto
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded /prefs/config.proto successfully
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded saved config version 22
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loading /prefs/module.proto
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded /prefs/module.proto successfully
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded saved moduleConfig version 22
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loading /prefs/channels.proto
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded /prefs/channels.proto successfully
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Loaded saved channelFile version 22
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 File /oem/oem.proto not found
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 cleanupMeshDB purged 0 entries
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Using nodenum 0x66dc1197
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 Expanding short PSK #1
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Wanted region 3, using EU_868
INFO | ??:??:?? 1 Saving /prefs/db.proto
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 Using GPIO34 for button
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 AccelerometerThread initializing
Using Custom interface.
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 Set Timezone to GMT0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 NeighborInfoModule is disabled
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 File /prefs/ringtone.proto not found
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Initializing External Notification Module
WARN | ??:??:?? 2 LR11x0Interface(cs=44, irq=2, rst=18, busy=43)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 LR11X0_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE defined, using DIO3 as TCXO reference voltage at 1.600000 V
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Starting meshradio init...
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=0, time 231 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=253, time 2115 ms
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Radio freq=869.525, config.lora.frequency_offset=0.000
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Set radio: region=EU_868, name=LongFast, config=0, ch=0, power=27
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Radio myRegion->freqStart -> myRegion->freqEnd: 869.400024 -> 869.650024 (0.250000 mhz)
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Radio myRegion->numChannels: 1 x 250.000kHz
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Radio channel_num: 1
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Radio frequency: 869.525024
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Slot time: 42 msec
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Set radio: final power level=22
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 LR11x0 init result 0
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Frequency set to 869.525024
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Bandwidth set to 250.000000
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Power output set to 22
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 Setting DIO RF switch
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 Set RX gain to boosted mode; result: 0
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 LR1110 Radio init succeeded, using LR1110 radio
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=237, time 2000 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 LoRA bitrate = 118.500000 bytes / sec
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 PowerFSM init, USB power=1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 Enter state: BOOT
INFO | ??:??:?? 2 [RangeTestModule] Range Test Module - Disabled
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Initializing NRF52 Bluetooth
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Initialize the Bluefruit nRF52 module
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Bluetooth pin set to '123456'
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Configuring the Device Information Service
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Configuring the Battery Service
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Configuring the Mesh bluetooth service
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Setting up the advertising payload(s)
INFO | ??:??:?? 5 [PowerFSM] Advertising
INFO | ??:??:?? 12 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Environment Telemetry: Initializing
INFO | ??:??:?? 12 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Init sensor: SHT31
INFO | ??:??:?? 12 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Opened SHT31 sensor on i2c bus
INFO | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] (Sending): barometric_pressure=0.000000, current=0.000000, gas_resistance=0.000000, relative_humidity=nan, temperature=nan
INFO | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] (Sending): voltage=0.000000, IAQ=0, distance=0.000000, lux=0.000000
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Initial packet id 238649727, numPacketId 4294967295
INFO | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Sending packet to mesh
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Update DB node 0x66dc1197, rx_time=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=67 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] No modules interested in portnum=67, src=LOCAL
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] localSend to channel 0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Add packet record (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=67 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] nRF52 encrypt fr=66dc1197, num=e398181, numBytes=31!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] enqueuing for send (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] txGood=0,rxGood=0,rxBad=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Using channel 0 (hash 0x8)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] nRF52 encrypt fr=66dc1197, num=e398181, numBytes=31!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [EnvironmentTelemetryModule] decoded message (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=67 hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [RadioIf] Starting low level send (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=47, time 583 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet transmitted : 583ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 14 [RadioIf] Completed sending (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=47, time 583 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [RadioIf] Lora RX (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet received : 583ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Rx someone rebroadcasting for us (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] didn't find pending packet
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Found existing packet record for fr=0x66dc1197,to=0xffffffff,id=0xe398181
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Found existing packet record for fr=0x66dc1197,to=0xffffffff,id=0xe398181
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Add packet record (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Ignoring incoming msg, because we've already seen it (id=0x0e398181 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] cancelSending id=0xe398181, removed=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 17 [Router] Incoming message was filtered 0x66dc1197
INFO | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] Sending our nodeinfo to mesh (wantReplies=1)
INFO | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] sending owner !66dc1197/Meshtastic 1197/1197
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] Update DB node 0x66dc1197, rx_time=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 WANTRESP priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] No modules interested in portnum=4, src=LOCAL
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] localSend to channel 0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] Add packet record (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 WANTRESP priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] nRF52 encrypt fr=66dc1197, num=e398182, numBytes=51!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] enqueuing for send (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [NodeInfoModule] txGood=1,rxGood=1,rxBad=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [RadioIf] Starting low level send (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=67, time 731 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 32 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet transmitted : 731ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 33 [RadioIf] Completed sending (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=69, time 747 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [RadioIf] Lora RX (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet received : 747ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Add packet record (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Using channel 0 (hash 0x8)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] nRF52 encrypt fr=fbe70623, num=66371bd1, numBytes=53!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] decoded message (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 requestId=e398182 rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] handleReceived(REMOTE) (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 requestId=e398182 rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Module 'nodeinfo' wantsPacket=1
INFO | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Received nodeinfo from=0xfbe70623, id=0x66371bd1, portnum=4, payloadlen=44
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] old user !fbe70623/Meshtastic 0623/0623, channel=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] updating changed=0 user !fbe70623/Meshtastic 0623/0623, channel=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Module 'nodeinfo' considered
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Module 'routing' wantsPacket=1
INFO | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Received routing from=0xfbe70623, id=0x66371bd1, portnum=4, payloadlen=44
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 38 [Router] Routing sniffing (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 requestId=e398182 rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Received an ack for 0xe398182, stopping retransmissions
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Delivering rx packet (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 requestId=e398182 rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Update DB node 0xfbe70623, rx_time=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Forwarding to phone (id=0x66371bd1 fr=0x23 to=0x97, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x0 Portnum=4 requestId=e398182 rxSNR=11.25 rxRSSI=-51 hopStart=2)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Module 'routing' considered
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [RadioIf] (bw=250, sf=11, cr=4/5) packet symLen=8 ms, payloadSize=67, time 731 ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [RadioIf] Lora RX (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.75 rxRSSI=-52 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [RadioIf] AirTime - Packet received : 731ms
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Rx someone rebroadcasting for us (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.75 rxRSSI=-52 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] didn't find pending packet
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Found existing packet record for fr=0x66dc1197,to=0xffffffff,id=0xe398182
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Found existing packet record for fr=0x66dc1197,to=0xffffffff,id=0xe398182
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Add packet record (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.75 rxRSSI=-52 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Ignoring incoming msg, because we've already seen it (id=0x0e398182 fr=0x97 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=2 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxSNR=10.75 rxRSSI=-52 hopStart=3)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] cancelSending id=0xe398182, removed=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 39 [Router] Incoming message was filtered 0x66dc1197