Help in prototyping a new Meshtastic device based on the seeedstudio WM1110-A tracker

Hi Meshtastic People!

I’m willing to create a tracker based on the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board from Seeed.

In order to do that I’ve asked on the discord, and followed these instructions:

At this point I tried to look for the board from the smartphone meshastic app. A device showed up, but after 10 attempts it could not connect.

If I read the platformio.ini file [2] I see the default_envs parameter set to tbeam. Don’t see any wio-dev-1110.

is this ok?

Also: how do I tell the board I have addedd a oled screen on the i2c, a pushbutton and a WS2813 LED?
In other words, this is my board in a dev level stage:

Any advice is appreciated!


default_envs = tbeam
;default_envs = pico
;default_envs = tbeam-s3-core
;default_envs = tbeam0.7
;default_envs = heltec-v1
;default_envs = heltec-v2_0
;default_envs = heltec-v2_1
;default_envs = heltec-wireless-tracker
;default_envs = chatter2
;default_envs = tlora-v1
;default_envs = tlora_v1_3
;default_envs = tlora-v2
;default_envs = tlora-v2-1-1_6
;default_envs = tlora-v2-1-1_6-tcxo
;default_envs = tlora-t3s3-v1
;default_envs = lora-relay-v1 # nrf board
;default_envs = t-echo
;default_envs = canaryone
;default_envs = nrf52840dk-geeksville
;default_envs = native # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
;default_envs = nano-g1
;default_envs = pca10059_diy_eink
;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1
;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1_1
;default_envs = meshtastic-dr-dev
;default_envs = m5stack-coreink
;default_envs = rak4631
;default_envs = rak10701
;default_envs = wio-e5


Which environment did you choose when building and uploading? I believe currently the wio-e5 environment in that branch does not fit into the flash, so I don’t think building could have been successful. Unfortunately support for this is not ready and it if it would in the future, it’s likely only a stripped down version of the firmware.

I’m successfully building and uploading for that board, from that specific branch. Is that correct? Here is a screen grab of the whole process.

Not the wio-e5 but the WM1110 board.

It says success, but it doesn’t work. Any help appreciated.

Oh, sorry, I thought you were referring to the wio-e5.

Unfortunately the LR1110 is also far from working, there is no RadioLib support yet. The pull request also says “DOES NOT WORK”.

Thanks for your replies. They are super useful indeed.
Understood, Wio tracker dev needs some time to be added.

I have a Wio-E5-LE Dev Kit as well. How can I use this to prototype a meshtastic device?

What I did:

  • switch back to master (because apperntly is supported)
  • commented ;default_envs = tbeam and uncommented default_envs = wio-e5

When I try to build it says this.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help, you are great.

Unfortunately as I mentioned is that device also not yet supported. It doesn’t fit in flash and the file system is not working.

thanks for your replies!